Big announcement everyone! Over the next several weeks, I'm going to be working on migrating the blog to this, our new platform! This is a move I should have made ages ago, but laziness and a lack of desire to faff about with my following kept me from doing so. However, my growing frustration with what I could do on the old platform finally got the better of me, and it was definitely time to fish or cut bait! You may need to re-subscribe if you get your posts via rss, as I am now using an email subscription service, but the blog will remain at the same domain name. I will keep the old site alive as an archive during the migration process, and there is an "ARCHIVE" link available on the new platform during the transition should you wish to browse older posts - and hooo-boy! There are a lot of older posts! Nearly a decade's worth, so I guess I had better get back to it.
Thanks for your patience during this transition everyone. If you notice any broken links or anything else malfunctioning, send me a message via the contact page.