Okay, now we're gettin' down to it. It's time to do something fun again, you guys. Enough obsessing about the news, enough worry, enough stress, enough despair. Let us take these few moments to ourselves, forget all that, and gaze upon my sassy pants.
If ever there was a time where you could just say "you know what? screw it. I'm gonna buy those bats**t-crazy red serape stripe bell bottom pants I saw that I liked, and I'm gonna wear them, because why not?" - if you have ever caught yourself saying this, now is your time. There really is nothing like the spectre of one's own mortality to really dial-up the sartorial bravery factor by a couple of clicks. Although that said, I do feel the need to apologize for the less than artistic background composition this week, what with being stuck shooting out by the woodshed on account of all the people out exercising (or in some cases, "exercising") on this, the one nice day we've had in a long while. That said, these pants sort of do stand up on their own two legs without a fancy-schmancy background. And no, I do not mean that literally. You still have to put your legs in them.
So really what else is there to say, other than you should absolutely be partaking in things that make you happy right now. If that thing that makes you happy is a pair of high-waisted, bright red serape bell bottoms with an unfinished hem, or your vegetable scrap garden that just so happens to be thriving right now since you're home all the time, or your new rebounder exercise trampoline...so be it. I truly believe that at the end of this, we will be forever changed, and right now, we have a choice. We can learn from what is happening and learn how to be at peace with ourselves, live more slowly and mindfully and make ourselves happy and whole as a matter of priority, or we can spend all of this time we now have agonizing over when we can go back to the way things used to be, if we can at all. Personally, I wholeheartedly choose option A.

L&B serape pants (sold out), similar, similar, similar / thrifted Prada blouse, similar / sterling feather bracelet (old), similar / red jasper ring (old), similar / ruby in zoisite necklace (old), similar, similar, similar