If you've been hanging about the blog for a while, you have undoubtedly noticed some changes over the last decade or so. I started this blog round about 2012 on the very basic Blogger platform. Like so many people back in the "golden age of blogging", I did not have a plan or even really any other reason for doing so other than a love of fashion and appreciation for unique self expression in all of its forms.
I've done some partnerships and sponsored content over the years, but I've always felt really strongly about selecting opportunities that I feel might be of interest to those of you who read the blog. I didn't want to hit you over the head with a lot of in your face marketing, or fall into the trap of re-creating content that a lot of people are already doing, and doing really well - better that me. It took some grappling with my inner self to arrive at the conclusion that I did not want to dilute my unique, often loud, frequently antagonistic voice for the sake of a few more followers. Sure, my saltiness has probably cost me some followers or partnerships over the years, but I'm okay with that. And the older I get, the more okay with it I am.
Finding Support as an Independent Content Creator
So here's the deal. As the online milieu continues to evolve, I find myself spreading myself between different platforms in a way that just feels...inefficient. My aim here is to try and evolve this blog into a place where I can plonk all of my different online interests, all in one easy to access place. So I am embarking on some long game stuff here. I am slowly making moves to evolve Highland Fashionista into a blended e commerce site that will house my vintage shop (yes I will still maintain a presence on Etsy), the blog, and eventually create a space to host other writers, artists, and various independent creators as well. To do so is going to take time, energy, and yes, money.
To that end, you'll notice I've added a donation tip jar to the blog. It's a trend I'v noticed on many platforms that are being managed by san independent content creator, so I am adopting this too. Does it change anything for you, the reader? Not really. It's simply a measure I decided to adopt in the hopes of expediting my plans while keeping the platform unique, independent, and populated by only the partnerships that I choose. So that's what this thing is - right here to your right; you can find it on the about page. Obviously, there is no obligation for you to donate, and this site will always be free to browse and shop, no matter how it evolves. But I am an independent, one woman operation these days, so if you are feeling the love and want to donate, I appreciate you. Even if you don't, I appreciate you.
Again, this is long game stuff, and I am just starting to earmark a few platforms and themes that I think will be able to deliver the look and feel of the site I eventually hope to build. If you have been around a while and have a specific type of content that you particularly enjoy and would like to see more of, I'm all ears. Hop on to the about page and send me a message!
Yours in Sustainable Style and Snark,